Kafka Interview Question for experienced Java developer in 2024

Hello guys welcome to another article related to Kafka, These days in most of the tech interviews like Java, frontend, backend and full stack developer interview kafka questions are asked. but why, because in distributed environment to connect multiple application middleware is needed and Kafka is popular middleware and very powerful, industry has adopted this quickly hence kafka is important in interview, let's dive into type of questions they have asked. beginners or freshers guys can skip this.

Ajay Rathod
21 min readMay 21, 2024

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“Throughout my extensive career spanning decades, I’ve honed my expertise in various middleware solutions like RabbitMQ, Amazon SQS, and ActiveMQ. Notably, Kafka and RabbitMQ are the most widely adopted choices in the industry.”

Why Kafka is used in tech industry why it so popular?

Apache Kafka is popular in the tech industry for several key reasons:

  1. High Throughput and Low Latency: Kafka can handle large volumes of messages quickly, making it suitable for real-time data processing.
  2. Scalability: Kafka’s distributed architecture allows it to scale horizontally, accommodating growing data needs by adding more nodes.
  3. Fault Tolerance and Reliability: Kafka ensures data durability and reliability through replication and partitioning, maintaining operations even if some nodes fail.
  4. Stream Processing: Kafka Streams enables building complex real-time data processing applications.
  5. Data Integration: Kafka acts as a central hub, integrating data from various sources and distributing it to multiple systems.
  6. Open-Source and Community Support: Kafka benefits from a large, active community that continuously improves and expands its capabilities.
  7. Versatile Use Cases: Kafka is used for log aggregation, real-time analytics, event sourcing, messaging, and metrics collection.
  8. Compatibility with Big Data Ecosystems: Kafka integrates well with technologies like Hadoop, Spark, and Elasticsearch, facilitating comprehensive data pipelines.
  9. Streamlined Data Processing: Kafka enables asynchronous processing, enhancing system performance and reliability.

Tech giants like LinkedIn, Netflix, Uber, and Airbnb use Kafka for its robust, scalable, and efficient real-time data handling capabilities, demonstrating its effectiveness in production environments.

Actual Kafka interview questions

As an experienced developer, I’ve noticed a strong demand for Kafka knowledge in interviews. To help others prepare, I’ll be posting Q&A sessions on Kafka. Feel free to leave a comment below with any Kafka questions you’ve encountered, and I’ll do my best to answer them!

What are the main components of Kafka (Producers, Consumers, Brokers, Topics, Zookeeper)?

Producers: These are applications or services that publish data streams to Kafka. They write messages to specific categories or feeds called Topics (explained below). Producers don’t directly interact with consumers; they simply publish data into Kafka.

Consumers: These are applications or services that subscribe to Topics and read the data streams published by producers.Consumers can belong to Consumer Groups (explained below) to coordinate how messages are processed.

Topics: Think of Topics as named categories or feeds for data streams. Producers publish data to specific Topics, and Consumers subscribe to those Topics to receive the data.

Brokers: These are servers that form the Kafka cluster. A single Kafka cluster can have one or more brokers working together. Brokers are responsible for storing messages published by producers and serving them to consumers. They handle message replication, partition management (explained below), and overall Kafka cluster coordination.

Zookeeper: An external service, Zookeeper, manages the Kafka cluster’s state. It keeps track of topics, brokers, and consumer groups, ensuring everything runs smoothly within the cluster. While crucial for coordination, Zookeeper itself doesn’t store actual data messages.

These components work together to form a robust and scalable platform for handling real-time data pipelines.

How does Kafka ensure durability and fault tolerance? (replication)

Kafka guarantees data durability and fault tolerance primarily through a technique called replication. Here’s how it works:

  • Topics and Partitions: A Kafka topic is a category for a stream of data. Internally, each topic is further divided into smaller, ordered segments called partitions. This partitioning allows for parallel processing and scalability.
  • Replication Factor: Each partition is replicated across multiple brokers in the Kafka cluster. The number of replicas for a partition is determined by a configuration parameter called the replication factor. A higher replication factor ensures greater fault tolerance.
  • Leader and Followers: Among the replicas for a partition, one broker is designated as the leader. The leader is responsible for receiving writes from producers and replicating those writes to the other replicas, called followers.
  • Data Persistence: All brokers persist data (messages) on disk. This ensures that even if a broker fails, the data isn’t lost. The followers keep their copies of the partition data synchronized with the leader.
  • Leader Failure and Recovery: If a leader broker fails, Kafka automatically triggers a leader election process.One of the in-sync followers becomes the new leader, and the data replication continues. Consumers can continue reading data from the new leader with minimal interruption.

Producer Acknowledgements: Additionally, Kafka offers producer acknowledgement settings that influence durability guarantees:

  • acks=all: This setting ensures maximum durability. The producer waits for an acknowledgement from all replicas before considering the write successful.
  • acks=1 (default): The producer waits for an acknowledgement from the leader replica only. This offers a balance between durability and performance.

With replication and acknowledgement strategies, Kafka ensures data isn’t lost due to broker failures. Even if a broker goes down, its data remains available on the replicas, enabling the system to recover and continue operations.

There are other factors that contribute to Kafka’s fault tolerance, but replication is the core mechanism.

Explain the difference between Leader and Follower replicas in Kafka?

In a Kafka cluster, where data is organized into topics and further divided into partitions for scalability, Leader and Follower replicas play crucial roles in ensuring data availability and fault tolerance. Here’s a breakdown of their key differences:

Leader Replica:

  • Responsibilities:
  • Accepts writes (new messages) from producers for its assigned partition.
  • Replicates the received messages to all Follower replicas for the same partition.
  • Determines the committed offset, which signifies the point up to which messages are safely stored and can be consumed.
  • Serves read requests from consumers (although typically consumers primarily interact with the in-sync replica set, explained below).
  • Selection: The leader is elected from among the replicas for a partition. This election happens automatically during broker startup, leader failure, or if the leader falls behind significantly.

Follower Replica:

  • Responsibilities:
  • Passively consumes messages replicated from the Leader.
  • Applies the received messages to its own log, keeping its copy of the partition data synchronized with the Leader.
  • Acknowledges the Leader upon successful replication.
  • Importance: Followers provide redundancy and ensure data availability in case the Leader fails. When a leader election occurs, a Follower can become the new Leader to maintain partition functionality.

What are Consumer Groups and how do they work?

Consumer Groups are a fundamental concept in Kafka that enable parallel processing of data streams and ensure each message is delivered to exactly one consumer within the group. Here’s how they work:

Grouping Consumers:

  • Consumers can be grouped together using a unique identifier called the group.id. Consumers belonging to the same group are identified as a Consumer Group.
  • A consumer instance specifies its group affiliation during configuration.

Load Balancing and Parallel Processing:

  • When a Consumer Group subscribes to a topic, the partitions of that topic are automatically divided among the consumers in the group. This distribution happens intelligently, aiming for an even balance based on the number of consumers and partitions.
  • Each consumer within the group is then responsible for processing messages from its assigned partitions. This parallel processing allows Consumer Groups to handle high volumes of data efficiently.

Consumer Exclusivity:

  • A key aspect of Consumer Groups is that each message is delivered to only one consumer within the group.This prevents duplicate processing and ensures data consistency. Kafka achieves this by maintaining a state for each Consumer Group, tracking the current partition assignments.

Consumer Rebalancing:

  • The distribution of partitions across consumers can change dynamically. This happens in scenarios like:
  • A consumer joins or leaves the group.
  • A broker failure necessitates partition reassignment.
  • Kafka triggers a process called consumer rebalancing in these situations. Rebalancing involves reshuffling the partition assignments among the remaining consumers to maintain balanced processing.

Benefits of Consumer Groups:

  • Parallel Processing: Enables efficient handling of high-volume data streams.
  • Scalability: Allows you to easily scale consumer processing by adding or removing consumers from the group.
  • Fault Tolerance: If a consumer fails, its partitions are reassigned to other consumers in the group, ensuring data continues to be processed.
  • Exactly-Once Delivery (with configuration): When configured correctly, Consumer Groups can guarantee that each message is delivered to exactly one consumer within the group only once.

Consumer Group Use Cases:

Consumer Groups are valuable in various scenarios where you need to parallelize data processing across multiple consumers, such as:

  • Log aggregation: Multiple consumers can process log data from a central topic in parallel.
  • Stream processing: Consumer Groups can be used to distribute data streams for real-time analytics tasks.
  • Microservices communication: Consumer Groups facilitate communication between microservices by allowing them to subscribe to relevant topics and process messages concurrently.

What are offsets in Kafka and how are they committed?

In Kafka, offsets act as pointers that keep track of the progress of a consumer group or individual consumer within a topic partition. They are essentially integers assigned sequentially to each message within a partition, starting from zero. Here’s a deeper dive into offsets and how they’re committed:

Understanding Offsets:

  • Per-Partition Tracking: Offsets are specific to a particular consumer group or consumer and a specific partition within a topic. This allows each consumer to track its own progress independently for each partition it reads from.
  • Resuming Consumption: Offsets play a crucial role in resuming consumption after interruptions. When a consumer restarts or joins a group, it uses the committed offset to determine where to begin reading messages from the assigned partition. This ensures consumers don’t re-process messages they’ve already handled.

Committing Offsets:

  • Consumer Responsibility: Consumers are responsible for committing their offsets periodically. This informs Kafka about the last message the consumer has successfully processed. There are different strategies for committing offsets, each with its own delivery semantics (guarantees about how messages are delivered):
  • At-least-once: This is the default setting. The consumer commits the offset after processing a message. However, if the consumer crashes before committing the offset, the message might be redelivered upon restart, leading to potential duplicate processing.
  • At-most-once: The consumer commits the offset as soon as the message is received. If processing fails, the message won’t be retried, potentially leading to data loss.
  • Exactly-once (Transactional): This is the most complex but ensures each message is delivered and processed exactly once. It requires using Kafka transactions and the Kafka Streams API for processing.
  • Offset Commit Process: Consumers typically commit offsets to a special internal topic named “__consumer_offsets” maintained by Kafka. This topic stores the committed offsets for all consumer groups and partitions.

Importance of Committing Offsets:

  • Progress Tracking: Committed offsets enable consumers to resume processing from the correct point after failures or restarts.
  • Preventing Duplicates (with at-least-once): Regular commits with the at-least-once strategy help avoid re-processing messages already handled by the consumer.

Choosing an Offset Commit Strategy:

The choice of offset commit strategy depends on your application’s requirements. If data loss is absolutely unacceptable, exactly-once delivery is necessary (though more complex to implement). If some message duplication is tolerable, the at-least-once strategy is a simpler approach.

How does Kafka achieve high throughput and low latency?

Kafka achieves high throughput and low latency through a combination of design choices and techniques. Here are some key factors:

Scalability and Parallelism:

  • Distributed Architecture: Kafka’s distributed architecture allows it to handle large volumes of data by spreading the load across multiple brokers in a cluster. This enables horizontal scaling by adding more machines as needed.
  • Partitioning: Topics in Kafka are divided into smaller units called partitions. Producers can publish messages to these partitions in parallel, improving overall throughput. Consumers can also parallelize their processing by consuming messages from assigned partitions concurrently.

Efficient Data Storage and Access:

  • Append-only Logs: Data is stored in append-only logs on each broker. This simplifies writes and avoids the overhead of random disk access. Since new data is written at the end of the log, it can be accessed efficiently.
  • Batching: Producers can batch multiple messages together before sending them to the broker. This reduces network round-trips and improves the efficiency of data transfer.
  • Zero-Copy Processing: Whenever possible, Kafka leverages zero-copy techniques to avoid unnecessary data copying between buffers. This minimizes CPU overhead and improves processing speed.
  • Leveraging OS Features: Kafka utilizes the Linux page cache to store frequently accessed data in memory,reducing disk I/O and enabling faster message retrieval for consumers.

Decoupled Communication:

  • Producers and Consumers: Producers and consumers operate independently. Producers publish messages to topics without needing to know which consumers are subscribed. This decoupling reduces overall latency as producers don’t wait for consumer acknowledgement.

Asynchronous Communication:

  • Communication between producers, brokers, and consumers is asynchronous. This means producers don’t block while waiting for the broker to confirm receipt, and consumers don’t block waiting for new messages. This improves overall responsiveness.

Consumer-centric Optimizations:

  • Prefetching: Consumers can prefetch a configurable number of messages into their local buffers. This reduces the latency of subsequent message fetches as data is readily available in memory.
  • Efficient Consumer Group Management: Consumer groups leverage rebalancing algorithms to distribute partitions efficiently among consumers. This ensures balanced load and reduces overall processing time.

What are some real-world use cases for Kafka? (log aggregation, microservices communication)

Here are some real-world use cases for Apache Kafka, highlighting its versatility in handling real-time data pipelines:

Log Aggregation and Monitoring:

  • Kafka excels at collecting logs from various distributed applications, services, and microservices. These logs are published as streams to specific topics in Kafka.
  • Centralized log aggregation allows for real-time analysis, troubleshooting, and performance monitoring of applications. Tools like ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) can be integrated with Kafka to consume and visualize log data for deeper insights.

Microservices Communication:

  • Kafka acts as a central nervous system for microservices architectures. Microservices can publish events or data updates to relevant topics in Kafka.
  • Other microservices can subscribe to these topics and react to the published events, enabling asynchronous and loosely coupled communication between services. This promotes scalability and flexibility in microservice deployments.

Stream Processing and Analytics:

  • Kafka’s ability to handle high-volume data streams makes it ideal for real-time analytics applications.
  • Stream processing frameworks like Apache Flink or Apache Spark Streaming can be integrated with Kafka to consume data streams from topics and perform real-time computations, filtering, or transformations.
  • This enables applications to react to real-time data insights for fraud detection, anomaly analysis, or recommendation engines.

IoT Data Ingestion and Processing:

  • In the realm of Internet of Things (IoT), Kafka can efficiently handle the high volume and velocity of data generated by sensors and devices.
  • Sensor data can be published as messages to Kafka topics, enabling real-time processing, aggregation, and analysis of this data.
  • This can be used for predictive maintenance, remote monitoring, or real-time visualization of IoT sensor data.

Event Sourcing:

  • Kafka can be used as a central event store for microservices and applications. Events representing state changes or actions are published as messages to Kafka topics.
  • This event log can be used to reconstruct the application state at any point in time or for implementing eventual consistency patterns in distributed systems.

Real-time Fraud Detection:

  • Kafka’s high throughput and low latency make it suitable for building real-time fraud detection systems.
  • Transaction data can be streamed to Kafka topics, and stream processing applications can analyze this data in real-time to identify suspicious patterns or potential fraudulent activities.

These are just a few examples, and Kafka’s use cases continue to evolve as businesses leverage its capabilities for real-time data pipelines and applications.

How would you handle a situation where a Kafka consumer lags behind? (consumer rebalancing, adjusting configs)

Here are some steps you can take to address a situation where a Kafka consumer lags behind the producer and starts falling behind in processing messages:

Identify the Cause:

  • Monitor Consumer Lag: First, utilize Kafka consumer monitoring tools or the built-in consumer group lag information to pinpoint which consumer group and partitions are experiencing lag.
  • Analyze Consumer Performance: Investigate the problematic consumer’s performance metrics like CPU,memory usage, and processing time to identify potential bottlenecks within the consumer application itself.

Consumer-side Solutions:

  • Optimize Consumer Code: Review the consumer code and identify areas for improvement. This could involve:
  • Optimizing message processing logic to reduce per-message processing time.
  • Batching message processing to handle multiple messages at once.
  • Increase Consumer Parallelism: If the consumer application can handle it, consider increasing the number of consumer instances within the consumer group. This distributes the load and helps catch up with the backlog.
  • Adjust Consumer Fetch Size: The consumer fetch size controls the amount of data retrieved from the broker in each request. Increasing the fetch size (within reasonable limits) can improve throughput and potentially reduce lag.

Kafka Configuration Adjustments:

  • Consumer Rebalance: If the lag is related to uneven partition distribution within the consumer group, consider triggering a consumer rebalance manually using Kafka consumer group management tools. This can redistribute partitions among consumers and potentially alleviate lag on overloaded consumers.
  • Auto-Offset Reset: In extreme cases, you might need to reset the consumer offsets for the lagging partitions.However, this approach should be used cautiously as it can lead to message duplication (with at-least-once semantics) or data loss (with at-most-once semantics).

How to not consume duplicates messages in Kafka from one consumer?

Achieving exactly-once semantics, where a message is delivered and processed by one consumer only once, requires a bit more effort in Kafka compared to at-least-once or at-most-once delivery. Here are two main approaches to avoid duplicate processing by a single consumer in Kafka:

  1. Transactional Consumers with Kafka Streams API:
  • This is the recommended approach for achieving exactly-once processing guarantees. Kafka Streams is a high-level API built on top of Kafka Consumer that simplifies stream processing tasks.
  • It leverages Kafka transactions to ensure that message writes from the producer and the consumer’s offset commits are treated as an atomic unit. If either the write or the commit fails, the entire transaction is rolled back, preventing partial processing and potential duplicates.

Here’s a breakdown of the process:

  • The consumer initiates a Kafka transaction before consuming messages.
  • The consumer processes the messages and performs any necessary actions.
  • If processing is successful, the consumer commits the offsets within the transaction.
  • Kafka ensures that either all operations in the transaction succeed (including the message write and offset commit) or all fail, preventing duplicates.
  • Important points to remember:
  • This approach requires using the Kafka Streams API for consuming messages.
  • Exactly-once semantics also require transactional capabilities on the producer side.

2. Idempotence with Manual Offset Management:

  • This approach involves implementing idempotence within your consumer application and managing offsets manually. Idempotence ensures that an operation can be repeated multiple times without unintended side effects.

Here’s the general idea:

  • The consumer assigns a unique identifier (idempotency key) to each message it receives.
  • Before processing a message, the consumer checks if it has already processed a message with the same idempotency key. This can be done by storing processed keys in a database or distributed cache.
  • If the message is new (unique key), the consumer processes it and stores the key for future reference.
  • If the message is a duplicate (key already exists), the consumer discards it without further processing.
  • The consumer commits offsets after successful processing.

Key points to consider:

  • Implementing idempotency logic adds complexity to your consumer application.
  • You need to choose a suitable mechanism for storing and managing idempotency keys.
  • Manually committing offsets requires careful handling to avoid data loss or duplicates.

Choosing the Right Approach:

  • Transactional Consumers (Kafka Streams API) is generally the recommended approach for its simplicity and guaranteed exactly-once delivery.
  • Idempotence with manual offset management can be an alternative, but it requires more development effort and introduces potential complexities in managing idempotency keys and offsets.

How to ensure that you do not listen to same message on different consumers?

By default, Kafka consumers within a consumer group will not listen to the same message. Kafka achieves this through a concept called consumer groups and offset management. Here’s how it works:

Consumer Groups:

  • Consumers can be grouped together using a unique identifier called the “group.id”. All consumers belonging to the same group form a Consumer Group.
  • Each consumer instance specifies its group affiliation during configuration.

Partition and Offset Tracking:

  • Topics in Kafka are divided into smaller units called partitions.
  • Each consumer group maintains a record of the offsets for each partition it subscribes to. An offset is a unique identifier for a message within a partition, essentially a counter starting from zero.
  • When a consumer group subscribes to a topic, Kafka performs a consumer rebalancing to distribute the partitions among the consumers in the group. This ensures even load balancing.

Exclusive Listening:

  • Each partition within a topic is assigned to only one consumer within the group at a time. This prevents duplicate processing within the group.
  • As consumers process messages, they commit their offsets periodically. This informs Kafka about the last message the consumer has successfully processed for each partition.


  • Prevents Duplicates: By assigning partitions exclusively and tracking offsets, Kafka ensures that each message is delivered to only one consumer within the group, preventing duplicate processing.
  • Scalability: You can easily scale consumer processing by adding or removing consumers from the group. Kafka automatically rebalances partitions to maintain balanced load.


Imagine a Consumer Group with 2 consumers (Consumer A and Consumer B) subscribed to a topic with 3 partitions.Kafka might distribute the partitions as follows:

  • Consumer A: Listens to Partitions 0 and 1
  • Consumer B: Listens to Partition 2

This way, each message is delivered to only one consumer within the group.

Important Note:

While Kafka prevents duplicate processing within a consumer group, it’s possible for a message to be delivered to multiple consumer groups if they are both subscribed to the same topic. If you need to ensure a message is only processed once ever, regardless of consumer group, you’ll need to implement additional logic within your consumers using techniques like message idempotence (covered in previous question).

How to recover from a failure at consumer end while consuming?

Recovering from a failure at the consumer end in Kafka involves a few key strategies to ensure data isn’t lost and message processing resumes smoothly. Here’s a breakdown of the approaches you can take:

1. Utilize Kafka’s Offset Commits and Consumer Rebalancing:

  • Offset Commits: Kafka relies on consumer-side offset commits to track progress. Consumers periodically commit their offsets, indicating the last message they’ve successfully processed for each partition they’re subscribed to.
  • Consumer Rebalancing: When a consumer fails or a new consumer joins the group, Kafka triggers a consumer rebalancing. This process redistributes the partitions among the remaining consumers in the group.

Recovery Process:

  • Upon restart, the failed consumer retrieves its committed offsets for the partitions it was previously responsible for.
  • Kafka reassigns those partitions back to the consumer during rebalancing (if it rejoins the same consumer group).
  • The consumer resumes processing messages from the committed offsets, ensuring no data loss occurs due to the failure.

2. Implement Error Handling and Retries in Your Consumer:

  • Error Handling: It’s crucial to have robust error handling mechanisms in your consumer application to catch exceptions or processing failures during message consumption.
  • Retry Logic: When an error occurs, the consumer should implement retry logic to attempt processing the message again. This can involve retrying with a backoff strategy to avoid overwhelming the broker in case of transient errors.
  • Dead-letter Queues (Optional): For critical messages or persistent errors, consider implementing a dead-letter queue (DLQ). Failed messages can be sent to the DLQ for manual intervention or later processing attempts.

3. Leverage Kafka Consumer Offsets Management Tools:

  • Kafka provides tools and APIs for managing consumer offsets manually. This can be useful in specific scenarios:
  • Resetting Offsets: In extreme cases, you might need to manually reset the offsets for a consumer group or specific partitions. However, use this cautiously as it can lead to message duplication (with at-least-once semantics) or data loss (with at-most-once semantics).
  • Pausing/Resuming Consumers: You can use tools to pause a consumer or consumer group temporarily for maintenance or debugging purposes. This allows you to control message delivery and offset management.

4. Choose the Right Offset Commit Strategy:

  • The default offset commit strategy in Kafka is at-least-once. This ensures messages are delivered at least once,but there’s a possibility of duplicates if the consumer fails before committing the offset.
  • For stricter delivery guarantees, consider exactly-once semantics using Kafka transactions with the Kafka Streams API. This approach ensures each message is delivered and processed exactly once, but it requires more complex configuration and development effort.

How to configure the Kafka in spring boot app?

  1. Add Kafka Dependencies:

Include the necessary Kafka dependencies in your pom.xml (for Maven) or build.gradle (for Gradle) file. Spring Boot provides a convenient spring-kafka starter that includes core Kafka dependencies:


2. Configure Kafka Properties:

Spring Boot provides a convenient way to configure Kafka properties using application properties files (like application.yml or application.properties). Here are some essential properties:

  • spring.kafka.bootstrap-servers: This property specifies the comma-separated list of Kafka broker addresses.
  • spring.kafka.consumer.group-id: This property defines the consumer group ID for your application. Consumers subscribed to the same topic with the same group ID will form a consumer group and efficiently process messages in parallel.
  • spring.kafka.producer.key-serializer: This property specifies the serializer used for serializing message keys produced by your application. By default, a StringSerializer is used. You can choose other serializers based on your message key data type (e.g., JsonSerializer for JSON keys).
  • spring.kafka.producer.value-serializer: This property defines the serializer used for serializing message values produced by your application. Similar to key serializer, choose the appropriate serializer based on your message value data type.
  • (Optional) spring.kafka.consumer.auto-offset-reset: This property controls what happens to the consumer offsets when the consumer group rebalances or restarts after a failure. The default is earliest which means the consumer will start reading from the beginning of the partitions. You can set it to latest to start reading from the latest messages.

3. Create Kafka Producers and Consumers:

  • Spring Boot provides abstractions for Kafka producers and consumers. You can inject them using @Autowired and use them to interact with Kafka topics:
public class MyKafkaApp {

private KafkaTemplate<String, String> kafkaTemplate;

public void sendMessage(String topic, String message) {
kafkaTemplate.send(topic, message);

@KafkaListener(topics = "myTopic")
public void receiveMessage(String message) {
// Process the received message

// ... (other application logic)

What are some common mistakes developers make when working with Kafka?

Mistakes in Configuration and Usage:

  • Not Understanding Consumer Groups: Failing to grasp the concept of consumer groups and how they distribute workload among consumers can lead to inefficient processing or duplicate messages.
  • Incorrect Offset Commit Strategy: Choosing an unsuitable offset commit strategy (at-least-once, at-most-once, or exactly-once) can result in data loss or message duplication depending on your needs.
  • Improper Serializer Selection: Not selecting the appropriate serializer/deserializer for message keys and values based on their data types can lead to serialization errors or unexpected behavior.
  • Unnecessary Manual Offset Management: Manually managing offsets can be error-prone and complex. Utilize Kafka’s automatic offset management whenever possible.

Performance and Scalability Issues:

  • Overlooking Partitioning: Not effectively utilizing topic partitioning can bottleneck performance as all consumers in a group would read from a single partition.
  • Insufficient Consumer Parallelism: Having too few consumers in a group can lead to processing delays,especially for high-volume data streams.
  • Inefficient Consumer Code: Poorly optimized consumer code can slow down message processing and hinder overall throughput.
  • Not Monitoring Consumer Lag: Failing to monitor consumer lag can leave you blind to potential bottlenecks or uneven workload distribution.

Development and Error Handling:

  • Ignoring Exactly-Once Semantics: If your application requires strict data consistency, neglecting exactly-once delivery guarantees (using Kafka Streams and transactions) can lead to data inconsistencies.
  • Insufficient Error Handling: Not implementing robust error handling mechanisms in producers and consumers can leave your application vulnerable to exceptions and data loss during failures.
  • Lack of Testing: Omitting proper testing of your Kafka application, especially in failure scenarios, can expose weaknesses in your error handling and recovery processes.

What are some alternatives to Kafka and how do they compare? (RabbitMQ, Apache Pulsar)

While Kafka is a dominant player in the world of message streaming, there are other options to consider depending on your specific needs. Here’s a comparison of Kafka with two popular alternatives: RabbitMQ and Apache Pulsar:


  • Focus: RabbitMQ is a lightweight, mature message broker known for its ease of use and flexibility. It excels in message routing and message exchange patterns like pub/sub, RPC (remote procedure calls), and fanout for flexible communication between applications.


  • Simplicity: Easy to set up, manage, and use, making it suitable for less complex messaging needs.
  • Lightweight: Ideal for resource-constrained environments due to its smaller footprint compared to Kafka.
  • Flexibility: Supports various message exchange patterns for diverse communication scenarios.
  • Mature and Stable: Backed by a large community and extensive battle testing.


  • Scalability: Not as horizontally scalable as Kafka when it comes to handling extremely high message volumes.
  • Throughput: May struggle with very high-throughput data streams due to its architecture.
  • Limited Stream Processing: Lacks built-in stream processing capabilities compared to Kafka Streams or Pulsar Functions.
  • Use Cases:
  • Task Queues: RabbitMQ is well-suited for managing task queues and triggering background jobs in applications.
  • Microservice Communication: It can be used for lightweight communication and data exchange between microservices.
  • Integrations: RabbitMQ is a good choice for implementing integrations between different applications and systems.

Apache Pulsar:

  • Focus: Pulsar is a relatively newer open-source message streaming platform designed for high performance,scalability, and low latency. It offers features similar to Kafka but with a focus on multi-tenancy and geo-replication.


  • High Performance: Built for high throughput and low latency, making it suitable for demanding real-time data pipelines.
  • Scalability: Highly scalable horizontally to handle massive data volumes.
  • Multi-tenancy: Supports secure sharing of a single Pulsar cluster among multiple tenants or organizations.
  • Geo-replication: Enables data replication across geographically distributed regions for disaster recovery and global deployments.
  • Stream Processing: Offers built-in stream processing capabilities similar to Kafka Streams, allowing data transformation and analysis within the platform.


  • Maturity: Compared to Kafka’s established ecosystem, Pulsar is a relatively younger project, and its ecosystem of tools and integrations might be less mature.
  • Complexity: Setting up and managing Pulsar can be slightly more complex than Kafka due to its advanced features.

Use Cases:

  • Real-time Analytics: Due to its high throughput and low latency, Pulsar is a good choice for building real-time analytics pipelines.
  • IoT Data Streaming: Pulsar can efficiently handle the high-volume and velocity of data generated by IoT devices.
  • Cloud-native Deployments: Its multi-tenancy and geo-replication features make Pulsar well-suited for cloud-native deployments.

Choosing the Right Tool:

The best choice between Kafka, RabbitMQ, and Pulsar depends on your specific requirements. Here’s a quick guideline:

  • For simple message routing and lightweight communication: RabbitMQ
  • For high-throughput, low-latency streaming with scalability: Kafka or Pulsar
  • For multi-tenancy, geo-replication, and cloud-native deployments: Pulsar
  • For existing Kafka ecosystem and mature tooling: Kafka

Refer to the Spring Kafka documentation (https://spring.io/projects/spring-kafka) for more comprehensive configuration options, advanced features, and best practices for building Kafka applications with Spring Boot.

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Ajay Rathod
Ajay Rathod

Written by Ajay Rathod

Java Programmer | AWS Certified | Writer | Find My Books on Java Interview here - https://rathodajay10.gumroad.com | YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@ajtheory

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